Seeing as to how I haven't posted anything here in awhile, and also seeing as I am in need of a distraction I'm gonna take a page out of IGN's book and post my own list of the top 25 360 games. Please note this list is based upon my own personal tastes and obviously can only include games I've actually played. Without further delay...
1 - Fallout 3
2 - The Orange Box
3 - Gears of War
4 - Resident Evil 5
5 - Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare
6 - Battlefield: Bad Company 2
7 - Batman: Arkum Asylum
8 - Oblivion
9 - Battlefield Bad Company
10 - Saints Row
11 - Dead Rising
12 - Gears of War 2
13 - Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
14 - Dragonage Origins
15 - Dead Space
16 - Grand Theft Auto 4
17 - Halo 3
18 - Red Dead Redemption
19 - Saints Row 2
20 - Tiger Woods '09
21 - Ghost Recon Advanced Warfighter
22 - Assassin's Creed 2
23 - Condemned
24 - Bioshock
25 - The Force Unleased