My harddrive is in complete chaos every day. Usually it's about 90% full all the time so in about a month the fragmentation rate goes as high as 25-40% but I have plenty of free time and defrag every 2-3 weeks, but I haven't noticed that much of a performance boost. Maybe a slight one, but barely noticeable at all.
Well, that's probably because you have only 10% free space on the drive... Windows likes having 15-20 free space at least, so it has lots of leg room for caching and other stuff. Time to buy a bigger one, in other words.
At the moment I have 27 gb free. Maybe it's enough for the Windows but not for me. Time to move on from my 500GB hard to at least a 750GB one...
My harddrive is in complete chaos every day. Usually it's about 90% full all the time so in about a month the fragmentation rate goes as high as 25-40% but I have plenty of free time and defrag every 2-3 weeks, but I haven't noticed that much of a performance boost. Maybe a slight one, but barely noticeable at all.
I haven't played Halo 2 neither the first Halo, so my opinion about Halo is based only on Halo 3. Not familiar with the others so that's why I'm asking you guys :) . Seeing your opinions I surely won't buy it, especially when I don't have any exp with Halo other than the 3rd one. Thanks for the fast replies.
Is Halo 2 for the PC worth buying now? I'm a PC fan and won't ever buy a Xbox but I find that halo is fun and enjoyable to play (I play Halo 3 on a friend's Xbox every Saturday for a couple of hours). As far as I know Halo 1 is still going somewhat strong on the PC but what about Halo 2. Is it even alive? Should I buy it or not?
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