I just picked up Tony Hawk Underground and Sonic Mega Collection last night. Yay!
I played THUG just a little bit last night and it was pretty cool. The only crappy thing is that my copy of THUG didn't come with an instruction manual. So I have to scour the net for one cuz I have to find out how to pull of a friggen "flamingo."
I'm way excited about SMC though, especially if I can get my hands on a Hori controller. Oh man. Old school to the MAX! I really wish I hadn't sold my Genny back in the day. If only I would have realized then how much I would have missed it today. *sniffle*
Actually, I wish I would have kept all my systems, the NES, the Genny, the Playstation, the GB Color. *tear*
At least I'm wiser now. I will definitely not be giving up my Cube to any greedy resellers. Never! *hugs her Cube*
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