One of my friends let me borrow their copy of Phoenix Wright: Trials and Tribulations, so I've been playing through it since Monday. The stories are just as compelling in the third iteration of the series, but, honestly, I really hoped for more interactivity like was found in the first game. Digging up clues by using the touch screen was a lot of fun and very challenging.
I still like the game--it's absolutely great. I just feel a little disappointed from the lack of anything really new.:|
This game also seems a little easier than the previous titles. Although I'm currently stuck on a confusing piece of evidence at the moment, ha. But I'm probably halfway through the game (Episode 3) and this is the first time I've really been stuck, so either I'm becoming an ace detective (har har) or this game's a bit on the easy side.
Since I got to play it, I probably won't buy this game unless I see it on the cheap. The first game I don't mind replaying. Maybe it's just nostalgia, but I feel like there's always something new I notice when I replay it. The second and now the third just seem like updates to the original. I'm still holding out for something interesting to happen in Trials and Tribulations. In Justice For All, we were all treated to some backstory between Edgeworth and Wright, so I'm hoping that unraveling the mystery of Godot will prove equally rewarding.
Even with its shortcomings, I still like playing the series, so if there is a new chapter in the saga I will look forward to playing it.