I have been playing Bully pretty hardcore these past couple weeks--30 hours according to Raptr. I am so close to 100% completion. Tonight I found the last of the G&G cards, gnomes, and rubber bands. I have 3 non-story missions left and I need high scores in 2 of the 3 arcade games. Those arcade games suck, by the way. I don't know if I have the determination to put myself though that crap long enough to get the high scores. :cry:
I also am only 3 achievements away from 1000/1000 gamerscore. 1 achievement is compelete all story missions, 1 is high scores in all 3 arcade games, and 1 and 100% completion. Fortunately, I don't have to go out of my way to get them, but they will still be difficult because they are tedious tasks.
Burnout Paradise, Lego Harry Potter, and Prince of Persia are all calling my name, so we'll see how much I have left to give to Bully.