After a long break, I've gotten back into Dragon Quest VIII again. So far I've logged around 25 hours into the game and my character is at Level 22. After getting past the first 10 hours, I'd say, the game finally picked up and there's actually a bit of storytelling going on.
During my DQ break, I bought and finished Phoenix Wright: Justice For All , which I enjoyed. I am disappointed Capcom didn't include more detective techniques like those in the fifth case of the first PW. But I thought the sequel did a good job of propelling the story forward, while still making it accessible to those who might not have played the first iteration. The characters also seemed more fleshed out and expressive in Justice For All, which made it a rewarding follow-up. The sequel was certainly good enough to make me hope a third installment will find its way across the pond.
My girlfriend decided to buy a DS for herself a few months ago, so I have really enjoyed playing multiplayer games with her. And it's nice to have my DS back again so that I can play it. :lol: