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Dang...I need to blog more!

How has everyone been lately? Personally, besides constantly being picked on by my band teacher, I've been great. Basketball just ended a week ago, and now I'm trying to adjust my life back to normal. We actually had a pretty good season. I thought I had a pretty awesome season considering it was my first time playing Basketball. Next year, I'm thinking about doing Volleyball. For the past few weeks in Gym we've been playing Volleyball and it's been pretty fun. But, today my team won against my rival's team (she's my rival because we both play 1st Alto and the same position in Basketball, so we always fight, though I only see her a few times a day because she's a year older and a grade higher than me). Even though we only won by one (12-11), it's still an accomplishment. The only reason why we won because of me and my two best friends awesome serving and playing skills. The other three people on our team just stand there and when the ball comes to them, they don't even try to hit it!

Moving on from Volleyball...

Lately in band my band teacher has been constantly picking on me. On Friday, he made me sit on a speaker next to him! Since I was playing my part wrong (only not in time, nothing was wrong with the notes or rhythms), he said, "Lindsey bring your stand and your body over here." So I did, and he points to the speaker next to him, pats it and says, "Take a seat." I had to sit there the whole hour on a very uncomfortable speaker and nearly get hit with his hands every time we play! And then I said, "I'm afraid you're going to hit me," and then he said, "Oh, I would never hit you on purpose." Then he hits me in the head and says, "See, sorry!" I was pretty mad and frustrated by that point. Then when I played something right, he would pat me on the head like I was some kind of dog! Then today, me and the two other Saxophones (the Tenor and the Baritone Saxophone) were arguing on who was going to test first and I said I didn't want to go first and then my teacher says, "Lindsey, go test!" And as I'm walking into his office, he smirks at me!

Moving on from band...

Well, I just wanted to write that so, yeah. I hope you enjoyed my pretty much pointless rant!

Keep Rockin',
