#1 - Band
#2 - Science
#3 - Social Studies
#4 - English
#5 - Reading
#6 - Math
My school just let out on May 19th, and I already miss it! Mainly because of Band and my friends! I really want to see some of my friends, not just talk to them on the phone. I know a lot of people think it is better to text or call your friend, but I like talking to them in person. I like to see people's reactions and feelings, not just hear it! A lot of my school friends would rather just talk to me on the phone, than actually talk to me in person! All I wish is that I could see some of my friends!
For the next school year, this is what I want my schedule to be:
Period 1 - English (just as usual)
Period 2 - Math (to get it over with)
Period 3 - Reading
Period 4 - Social Studies
Period 5 - Science (again, just as usual)
Period 6 - Band
Period 7 (after school) - Jazz Band
Period 7 is just a thing that all of the Jazz Band members would do on Thursday's after school. I don't know if I told any of you guys this, but I stay after school EVERYDAY! A LOT of stuff goes on there after school! Teachers seem a lot different (at-least some do) after school. Probably because all of the school stress is off their backs. My old teachers were different people (except for Mr.S., he is crazy [good crazy] either way) after school. They like to have conversations with their students about other things that are not about school, so that's really cool. Besides from all the drama, this school year was definitely one of my favorite school years!
Keep Rockin',