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My Season 5 of Drake and Josh

I have made my own season 5 of Drake and Josh, which the first episode will release tomorrow, June 7, 2008. The first episode of the 5th season is called "Problem Teenagers". It's about how Drake and Josh make a deal to where Josh helps Drake start to do better in school by tutoring Drake himself and by getting teachers to tutor Drake one on one. Then, after a fight with Mindy, Josh has Drake help him to get Mindy back. I've already almost finished the script for this episode, so expect it sometime tomorrow.

Drake and Josh Season 5; Episode 1 Preview

Josh - Drake, disturbance is a 3rd grade reading level vocabulary word.

Mrs.Haifer - Indeed, it is. Drake, do you need to be sent back to 3rd grade?

Drake - Anything to get away from this zoo of a cla ssroom.

Mrs.Haifer - Drake, go to the principal's office!

Drake - Whatever.

(Drake leaves the cla ssroom and slams the door behind him)

The preview of the episode may not sound that good. This episode is mainly how Drake and Josh solve each others problems. It's got a little bit of funny stuff, but not a whole lot. Also, the next episode of my season 5 of Drake and Josh is entitled, "Drake's Haircut".