You know when you are looking at a bargain bin or preowned secting.. And you're just standing there, and you pick up this game up..
"hmmmm.. Arcade compilation disc? Is this really worth my 4 bucks?" "PGR3 for 3 bucks? but isn't that an old game?" "Earth Defense Force 2017? Why is it so cheap? This is bound to suck, right?"
Then you just leave them there.. You grab a brand new copy of RE5 for 60 bucks, just to get home and find out that the game isn't your cup of tea after all.
This has happened to most of us. Thing is... Why the bloody hell do most of us get brand new games? I mean, they're new and I'm eager to try them out.. But why just the hyped, pricey ones? Is a budget title a bad game by definition?
More and more I am stopping from buying games at release. What was the last one I did.... like Fifa 09 to play against some friends.
But what pisses me off the most is that there are fun games out there that I have never heard of.
Today I got LMA Manager 2007 for 5 bucks. I had no expectations what-so-ever on this game as I hadn't ever heard about it. In fact, I wasn't even aware the series had any games passed LMA 2001 for the PSX. I am really finding this game to be enjoyable. And I am getting more entertainment out of this than any pricey release there is at this time.
Another thing is that these so called "professional reviewers" from these websites rather complain about technical profenciency and unpolished graphics and terrible AI and gameplay if anything in the game isn't close to resemble real life (with added shades of grey and bloom).
And is a game really worth 60 bucks?
Is it not worth waiting 2 or 3 months? By the time the game is in the bargain bin? Funny thing is that no matter how good these games are, when they get to the bargain bin you end up having the same doubts I wrote in the beginning of this post.
And when you have doubts on a 5 dollar game, how come it used to be worth 70? Did the game got WORSE with time?
I'm taking a position. I am not getting no game for more than 30 dollars.