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facey_1991 Blog

Birthday 07 Got A Wii!!!!

Hey guys,

Just a quick update to say on the 21st August which was my birthday i had a Wii :D. Its really cool lol. The games i've had with it are Wii Sports, Trauma Centre: Second Opinion and Resident Evil 4 Wii edition. Also i have downloaded the Everybody Votes Channel, The Internet Channel, Street Fighter II Hyper Fighting and Super Mario thanks to the pressie from Jake (supergod1) which was a Wii Points card which has 2000 points included. Also i am looking to add more points soon to expand my Virtual Console Collection =].

In other news ive had my GCSE results which werent spectacular but weren't bad either and sadly school is only a few weeks away after what will be 10 weeks off i think.

Speak Soon


Christmas Games!!!

Hey Guys,

Hope you had a good xmas. Gamewise i had a black DS Lite with Atari Retro, Brain Training and Ace Attorney. The other game i had was NFS Carbon  for PS2. Hope you enjoy 2007 especially because of the hopeful PS3 release in March

Have fun,


P.S ive also updated my games list.

1st Blog Post


lately i've not been up to much its been the school holidays and i had my birthday on the 21st of august i got money, clothes and a 2gb MP3 player. On Friday i traded in loads of stuff including a fat PS2 to my local CEX store and got a slimline mainly because of online gaming if anyone wants to challenge me i'll probably be on Fifa.

new games: i know these are not new but they are cheap- NFSMW, Hitman Blood Money and Driver Parallel Lines

well i think thats all for now

feel free to PM me
