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faisal_6600 Blog

Best gaming series

There are many good gaming series in gaming history but now a days on all platforms the gta series is the best gaming series other wise there is no series on all platforms which people like

The gta series is going very good on all the platforms new gta game gta4 is a very good game on all Gta sanandreas is also a popular game on all platforms so the gta series is going very well

Fallout3 Metal gear solid God of wars Fabel2 and other games are also good but not all the platforms and they are not a good series

the call of duty series is also going good as a war shooting and action game But

Gta series is the best all the time

Grand Theft Auto V

Gta4 seems to a last game of gta series but i want to continue this series

I think gta5 will come but after 3 years because gta5 will the best game

i think gta5 will release for ps4 and ps4 will come in winter of 2011 i think


Minimum requirements

OS:windows xp service pack 1/2 , Vista

Processor:Intel core2 duo 1.8ghz, AMd athlon 64 X2 2.24ghz

Memory:1.5gb 16gb free hard disk space

Video card:256mb Nvidia 7900/ ATI X1900


Minimum requirements

OS:windows xp service pack 1/2 , Vista

Processor:Intel core2 duo 1.8ghz, AMd athlon 64 X2 2.24ghz

Memory:1.5gb 16gb free hard disk space

Video card:256mb Nvidia 7900/ ATI X1900

Gta4 requirements (new)

Minimum requirements

OS:windows xp service pack 1/2 , Vista

Processor:Intel core2 duo 1.8ghz, AMd athlon 64 X2 2.24ghz

Memory:1.5gb 16gb free hard disk space

Video card:256mb Nvidia 7900/ ATI X1900

Saints Row2

Saint row2 is a copy of gta4 but now this is easy to see that gta is much better than saint row2 so saint row has get 8.0

there are many game like gta but gta is much better

saint row2 is a good game i will buy this game because i like modern action adventure games

Gta4 requirements


OS:Windows XP SP2

Processor:Intel core processor(Pentium D or better)


Hard Drive:18GB free hard disk space

Video card:512MB video card driectX10 compatabile or driectX9 compatabile with shader

PS2 games on PC

i want to play ps2 games on pc pcxs2 0.9.4 is the best emulator but i also check this and i can not find the way of start ps2 game i have vcs and mgs3 on ps2 i check both games on it but failed . emulator give me a memery card opition with i need to do on this step i think elf files can start on it but vcs has no elf and mgs3 elf file can not open any solve of this question i want ps2 games on my pc

Gta4 pc

this is very great gta4 on pc i like it i want gta4 on pc at last gta4 come on pc this is very good news for me and pc owners i love rockstars this is very good . i think this is best news for me gta4 is my favorit game.
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