micropayments, rumored xbox 360 accessories: 120gb hd, essential hardware upgrades for consoles: hdmi port for 360s, paying for games even after you buy them: warcraft, good games that are ultra hard to beat: dmc3, learning curves in games: sometimes you just cant be patient enough :P, patching console games, games with multiple discs, exclusives for a console you dont own. thats all i can think of.
@jd14 i used to own that card before and iam sorry to say that its not good. btw the selection of mainstream graphics cards in this guide is really good!
i would like to see the performance, mainstream and budget ones. but anyway buying these high end cards now is a waste of money. when dx10 comes out better cards will be available and these cards will be at least 50-100$ cheaper.
faizali86's comments