it's been a while since the last interesting demo made its way to the PSN store but now a demo of Condemned 2: Bloodshot is available through the PSN store.
after playing the demo twice i can give you a quick summary.
please note that i haven't played the original condemned.
the first thing that will obviously catch your attention are the visuals. environments, weapons and enemies, all are looking great.
the weapons (you are using things found in the environment like pipes, stones etc.) are really detailed and affect your attacks.
for instance you can use stones that are merely useless for hand to hand (don't ask me why) but good throwing at your enemies.
the pipe is a pretty good weapon for short range attacks because it's obviously more powerful than using your fists. crutches are useful for midrange attacks but there are many more things you can pick up and use for combat. that's one thing i really liked about playing the demo. another nice element is the fact that your weapons wear off as you use them. you won't be able to play the whole demo or game using a single pipe for example which i think is a really good addition to the gameplay.
the overall gameplay is good and i didn't experience any slowdowns during the demo like other people mentioned.
however i've experienced some minor sound problems when kicking or running over some barrels. the sound of the rolling barrels didn't fade away until a few seconds after they actually stopped but all in all the sound effects were good.
unfortunately, the demo was rather short and i didn't get to play with some firearms which would have been really nice to see how the actual aiming is like. nonetheless the demo was entertaining and i will probably give it a try, even so only a rent because i normally don't play these games and i won't spend 70 bucks on a game that i am not sure to finish.
all in all i can only recommend playing the demo and judge for yourself. for all you pal users out there that still use a SDTV like me and have an us account, i should mention that you are able to play the demo even if your tv doesn't support ntsc.