After buying my 360 something unexpected occured which forced me to spend the money i saved up to buy some 360 games.
so i basically had a 360 without any games which obviously isn't of any use so i decided to spend some of my remaining cash on a used xbox game which i already set an eye on.
Oddworld: Munch's Oddysee
So here's one game of a franchise i never had the chance to play because i couldn't find the games, i didn't have the system to play it on or something else (yeah the world is cruel). well i knew that not every xbox game will be playable on the 360 through software emulation so i checked the official list on the xbox website and this is what i got.
as you can see i've highlighted the most important info i need to have to play the game on a 360 and that would be that it is BC.
horray, the game i am going to get is actually officially compatible to play on the 360. so i went out to my local game store and bought the used copy for 7 bucks. i am hell of lucky guy, ain't i? well not exactly because
reality hit me in the face quite hard when i realized that i obviously have no sound or at least it is so faint that even after setting the volume to max on my tv set, you still can't understand anything. well done m$ telling me that this sound is BC but i shouldn't complain cause you just confirmed that the game is PLAYABLE, you didn't assure that i would be able to hear any sounds, voices or anything else. sorry m$, my bad. unfortunately a franchise like Oddworld loses most off it's charm if you don't have the audio. after playing for 5 minutes i quit the game, went out again to get another game...
After my first major dissappointment with the BC of the 360 i said to myself bad luck, 'i just have to get another game' and after all the hype on the forums about Fable 2 i really considered buying the first one to get some impressions on gameplay, graphics, story and so on. i have to say that i usually don't like or play WRPG's, instead i love JRPG's. I didn't like Morrorwind which i stopped playing after 30 minutes but i love for example the Persona series which games i've played for several hundered ours. Well anyway i went out and bought the game which was about 14 bucks, still an okay price for a xbox game considering that they still sell it as an xbox original on XBL for 1200 points unless i am mistaken. before i tell you about my experience with the game i think i should mention this...
yes, again i checked the backward compatibility list and as you can see, the game is on that cursed list. i guess as you can tell by now, this game isn't running as it is supposed to be.
the first thing i noticed was that the game was stuttering when it played the intro movie which is even before you have access to the menu. after starting the game and actually having proper sound (for now) i was happy until i got control over my young character. the game has such framerate issues i can't even recall playing another game that has such problems. after browsing the net about some information i found out that obviously this isn't a problem that occurs on the 360 only but is a issue in general. i just can't figure out the problem with the stuttering cutscenes, but then again they are all in-game so if the game runs poorly why not the cutscenes.
so it's bad enough that the game has massive framerate issues but it's getting 'better and better'. you also have sound problems which aren't permanent like i mentioned in Munch's Oddysee but it still is annoying. sometimes the sound completely vanishes and weird noise is setting in which only lasts for 1-2 seconds but it is still bad enough.
the biggest problem the game has are the load times. they are really breaking the flow of the game because you run for 2 minutes and have a loading screen that lasts for 10 seconds or more. this is also a problem that isn't connected with the 360 (probably, don't know it for sure).
Even despite all of this, i've been playing the game for over 10 hours up until now, which should be an indication that the core of the game is good or even better than that! it's in all honesty the first WRPG i actually enjoy which means a lot in this case. Remember i am playing a game that has problems that would usually make me stop playing the game after the first 30 minutes. It seems like that i am now one of those that can't wait for...
if they can get rid of the issues that fable suffered from, then it's definitely a game to get. judging from the trailers and gameplay videos the game is looking good, even fable still looks good IMO especially for a last-gen game. i guess i am going to track fable 2 and will wait and see how it turns out but as i said, i am quite impressed from its predecessor so it's definitely getting a place on my list for games-to-buy-in-2008.
well this blog post is heading in an unexpected direction TBH. back to what i really intended to talk about, the **** backwards compatibility of the 360. the only thing that can describe how i feel is this...
they never promised the system to be 100% BC but you should at least can rely on their BC list they have put on their official xbox website.
it's really sad that so many people are bashing sony for introducing software emulation or releasing the 40 gb model which isn't able to play ps2 games at all but at least you know what you get. i am also sad that my 60 gb launch model isn't 100% BC (european model) but i haven't had a single problem with all the ps2 games i own.
So guys, i hope you can give me some advice on original xbox games that worked fine when played on the 360. do you have also problems with the games i mentioned above or are they just running fine?
i also want to know if fable: the lost chapters is also running poorly when played on the 360? did they improve on the framerate issues or are they still present?
thx for reading:)
update: i guess i forget to mention that the game (FABLE) also freezes, had the problem quite a few times which is annoying because it mostly happens during cutscenes or finished quests (great...doing the quest all over again...)