simply put if you think its a problem dont buy them. dont be a lazy parent dont let your kids play them simple enough. and before anyone starts in with the "easier said then done" crap im a parent of 3 kids and take the time to pay attention to what they are doing but i would never say "no you have to alter what you do for a living because my kids might see it"
Everyone likes to point the finger at duke nukem, but if people remeber that game was suppost to come out like 10 years ago. Yeah gearbox could have updated the game and changed it up but if you read the intervies with pitchford he stated they put the game out more to have it put out. not to reinvent the franchise or to get it going. Yeah the game wasnt the great however if it would have came out when it was suppost to it would have been a great game. These guys have been putting out great games and you knock them for putting out out duke nukem to just plan stupid. Yeah dnf wasn't a game changer but it was never suppost to be.
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