well im looking for a new laptop and im currently looking at the gateway P-7915u FX edition and i was just looking for some second opinions or suggestions for a laptop to get
MAG is a very solid game they did a very good job of haveing the game work amazing right from the first day. Their use of beta to have everybody find and help work out the bugs of this kindof game was awsome. as for the character custimization i personal dont care but isnt to bad as for for guns they have made a big skill tree getting 1 point per level so you spend and save to get better sites steady aim more grenades etc. and for putting the accerories on your guy each armor,gun,gunsite,med kit,grenade,or rpg cost a certain amount and you only have a certain certain amount so if you want alot off accerories on your gun you might not be able to have heavy armor of extra grenades so you have to pick and choose want want to have on your guy. personally i love this whole system and planing on playing for awhile
Ok so iv beat ever secondary mission in brutal legend even all the hunting 1s and i never got the overkill trophy for beating the all the hunting missions so i was wondering if there is something that i need to do special or wat
i recently heard that there was going to be yet another map pack for cod waw but instead of zombies it will be area 51 just wondering if it was true or just wishful thinking
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