The message with the Terms of Use doesn't show up anywhere.
fallout3ownzu's forum posts
It's asking me to go to the master account and accept Terms of Use/ User Agreement/ Privacy Policy or whatever. I went on the master account and everything signs in just fine and I have no idea how to re-accept those things...
I bought the game about a week ago, and it worked fine until today. Whenever I try to start up the game, I just get an error message that says: "There is already an instance of Fallout: New Vegas Running." I checked everything and I obviously don't have another tab of New Vegas running, help?
The first one might seem pretty nooby, this is my first Elder Scrolls game after all. I need to have a better follower. Roggi Knot-Beard just has really low health and dies too much, despite the Dwarven Armor he's wearing. I need to follower with higher health.
Secondly, I really like the Thieve's Guild armor, but I am a Heavy Armor specialist. I don't completely understand the whole enchanting process, but would it be easy just to destroy the Thieve's Guild armor to learn the enchantment, then just enchant some heavy armor with it? What type of soul gems would I need?
Thanks in advance.
I called, emailed, and tweeted Infinity Ward, all to no avail. I've searched everything, and nobody else seems to have the problem. Ever since COD4 stopped connecting to the server, I was, in turn, never able to connect to MW2 or MW3 online. Oh well, I guess I'm returning it. Skyrim here I come!
This problem also happened to me in MW2 however, only working when I put COD4 in and connect (which still only works about 50% of the time). This is the only way that I have found that lets me play MW2 or MW3 online. It's bizarre, I always thought it was some sort of hack that infected my PS3 somehow.
I pre-ordered MW3 and it came in today, but it wont let me play online. When I press Play Online in the Multiplayer menu, it just says Connecting to Online Services for a while (2-3 minutes) then just says Error: The Modern Warfare 3 server is not available at this time or something along those lines. I think this has something to do with me not being able to connect to the MW2 server unless I put COD4 in first. I know, its weird. I don't know if I got hacked at some point and it makes ths happen, or something about my PS3 just doesn't want to connect to the MW2 or MW3 servers, and sometimes not even the COD4 server.
Sorry if you're confused, I just want to know what's wrong. Should I ask Infinity Ward?
Skyrim is coming up, and before I buy it I want to see if my computer could handle it. You guys seem like the type of peope who would know
It is a Lenovo Thinkpad
Intel(R) Core(TM) i5 CPU
M 520 @ 2.40 GHz
32-bit Operating System
I didn't really know what to put, so I just copied off of the system properties.
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