I don't know how many of you have really listened to the dialogue in the game, but there are quite the humorous dialogues in there.
I can remember going into the main Bar at Megaton and talking to Gob the first time....and one of the phrases you could choose was "AH! UGH! WHAT ARE YOU?!" or something along those lines and thinking "That's great..."
Or when you get your home in Megaton and your personal robot tells you a joke. The one that I can of most recently was " Two cannibals are eating a clown, one looks at the other and says "Does this taste funny to you?"."LOL! God that is funny, especially playing late in the night like I did, where everything is funny.
So, all I can say is that I hope that the rest of Fallout 3 can build on the foundation that it has laid in the humor department in just the near beginning of the game. Please, tell me another joke?!