I understand the point you're trying to make and personally I have no interest in the XSS but some people just want to pay less even if they have to deal with significantly worse performance. In a way you are getting ripped off with the sacrifices of the XSS but people will still buy it.
FalloutFighter's forum posts
Even though Fallout 4 was a disappointment compared to it's predecessors it was still my favorite open world game of this generation.
You lost me when you started claiming that there is anything wrong with being a "gamer". Not everyone in this community fits the mold of what you're trying to describe. I think a majority probably don't. Gaming is my main passion in life and I don't think there's anything wrong with it. I don't judge other people based on how they spend their time, as long as they aren't hurting people in the process. How does me sitting at home playing video games cause you any problems?
Personally I'm very excited for the next gen consoles, especially the Xbox Series X. I can't wait to play a bunch of my favorite current gen games at 4K/60 plus the faster load times are going to help a lot with immersions. I'm also looking forward to how photo realistic games are going to look in the coming years with things like ray-tracing and improved textures.
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