Sad to see it end, it was a good run, the Wolverine movies got better with each sequel (started with low bar) too bad I can't say the same about the other X-Men movies.
What a mess Amazon's the worst, always selling stock they haven't secured! Nintendo was right not to do business with them in the past but they've gotten too big to ignore now.
@nintendians: it took me twice that long to beat RE7, maybe if you rush through it you could beat it in 4 hours but if you take your time, experience the environment you'll get your money's worth. The game also has good replay value.
@boardsport311: I was specifically talking about older games, I'm not that guy who buys used games that just came out for a $5 discount. I think it's good GameStop's around for games that are out of print, developers aren't getting that money anyway.
@opt1mu5prime: I respect that. Personally I only buy older used games, I buy new whenever I can but a lot of the games I look for are usually at least a couple years old and not easy to find new (unless you buy day one)
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