every now and then i'll write about top 10 list of diffrent things, mostly about games (but sometimes it could be other things that i like), it should be showing how my game taste are and how hardcore gamer am i, this time it is about my anticipation of E3: -
The next chapter of kingdom heart: -
after hearing on the forums how great Kingdom Heart II is i can't hold my breath to wait this game for Europe realse (come on Squere, why do you hate Europe, i understand engalnd doesn't like RPG but the whole europe?) and after hearing the secret ending is showing it will be some kind of Kingdom Heart 3, i cant even wait for the next cahpter of the series, it was very sad that i really didin't enjoy the first one, my cousine is freaking fan of this series...... any way, this game will be huge.... i mean the next chapter will be huge.
Baten kaitos 2, Gamcube: -
this game is one of the anticpaiting game for the almost-the-dead-consol Gamecube, and hell yes bring it on Namco. I can't wait to play one of my favourite games sequels (or prequel), this game is on my waiting list and Namco (or should i call you NamcoBandi), don't desapoint me, i want this game on the show floor at E3. And for those who says the Gamecube is dead, screw you.
Prey, PC: -
after i saw the trailers of this game i just can't wait for some more of this truly revoultionizing-the-some-how-boring-genre (and don't get me wrong, i love FPS), but evoulution is what we need, Prew brings the deminsion gameplay into reality that never before gameplay triks and skill, the graphic is absolutly stuinning and who said the doom engine is old? just look how beutifull this game is, am waiting for this game, thats for sure.
anticipation that may not be at E3?
did anyone thought that this is an anticipation? but we must dream sometime right?ok, right to the subject: - i truly waiting that Namco (now NamcoBandai) bring Namco X Capcom to this continent, i truly do, because dude it is Ryu and Jin Kazam in a single game, i truly want wild arms 5 will be showing how coo, it is. beside that i want Nintendo to bring Jump superstar and i want more naruto games (and there is no single naruto games here at europe), and more games to Europe, but those games will not be there, also worth mentioning is Mother 3, Persona 3 and Jump SuperStar.
The enovations of Okami, Plastation2: -
This Playststation 2 title is the second franchise from Clover Studios after Viwethiful Joe, and its the most enovative title in the PS2 titles ever, this game let you play as a wolf with ability to grow a tree and help the people (just as a game not in real life) the art style and the graphic is complitly uniqe just as Viwithifful Joe did before, those guys are crazy just as Hedeo Kojima and Soda51 (in a positive way).
Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of Paitriot and Devil May Cry 4, PS3: -
If there is a seller system for the Plastation 3 it would be those two games, after the 2 minutt long of the MGS4 trailer and a little glimps of Dante with his duel guns, the whole video game player was making a buzz about it (well at least for the MGS4 trailer),i know it will be some kind of form to MGS4 to be at E3 but if Capcom say there is no DMC4 gamplay footege i will be mad, just think about how cool and stilish Dante could be on HD. Those two games is what i need for my future PS3, just two games (because am poor).
Playstation 3:-
After that mind blowing trailer that called Killzone PS3, we want more and more of this huge system that Ken Kuturagi said it deliver 4d into this market before Hollywood (can that be possible). Yeah thats right,I am a huge Nintendo fan, and to see how expensive some consol can be is always vey funny to see, the blu-ray may not be that important to to me but its the reason why people want the PS3, right? and how can we forget about 3rd party games, thats why i own the PS2 and to some RPG titles running on HD is great. This E3 will be PS3 vs Wii.
Square-Enixes games: -
How good Final Fantasy XII is? why did the japanese hate Final Fantasy VII: Dirge of Carbiros? what a great game we have missed in Final Fantasy III? how quirky is Dragon Quest Rocket Slime is? how beutiful is Cilderen of Mana? does Vilkyre Profile: Lenneth have more of the same game that was on the original PS? how "preqully" can Vilkyre Profile be? how cool is Zack in Before Crises - FF VII? does the Dawn of Mana tell the people how good the Mana series was and still is? those question and more that i am looking forword to be answered. And trust me, FF VII: Dirge of cerbirus did NOT sell well in Japan even thought it IS a RPG (gun RPG) and its from Square-Enix, never less it has the name Final Fantasy VII on it.
The mighty Wii: -
Right now if you head to the forums, one thing is for sure is talkeble, the Wii, this system will make your head suffer becase the secrets and the puzzles that Mr. Myamoto and Iwata give the fans all the time, they won't reveal anything about this system because the competitors may steal the ideas from it (am looking at you Sony), but that cofussion will end at E3, or maybe some of it since they said it will be revael at E3, so Nintendo fans (like me) be READY, it is THE showtime.
The next Super Smash Bros. Game, Wii: -
this is what evryone is talking about (well except in my school, those guys are jerk, the just buy ps2 games and don't even know what FF X is.) and for me its THE next game on the whole planet, I am playing SSBM for almost 2 years (am kind of slow of buying games when it came out) and never get bored of it, now thats what i call unlimited game value. So Nintendo do not disapoint me now, bring this game at E3 and include new charcters in there and maybe third party ones (thinking about sonic).
so thats my anticipation of this years E3, and am pretty sure that it will be an awsome one, i just hope the DS pwns the PSP out of the market this year, and I will buy a PSP beacuase the name of metal gear is calling me with Acid and Acid 2, so till E3 let speculate.