Well…. the subject this time will be about gamespot and how well they do and I think it’s very good ting to talk about.
Firstival I would talk about the positive thing:-
Gamespot is doing well for it’s covering to many thing the lastest to event ((konami and thq)) was one of the best I ever
Read it. And its was a very good job what gamespot doing there.
The previews is very well written and the most incredible previews comes from Ricardo Torres.
The videos and spcial feutres are over the top and most thing is good thing thanks to crews.
Secondival is the negetiv thing :-
Hiding somehing is not that good so am gonna talk about it right away……………the reviews is not perfect.
Gamespot is trying so hard to not giving the top games a top score, I know that giving the game points is very
for example :-
Resident evil 4: the gameplay is the best ever on a game like RE4,perfect view, smoth gameplay and good difficulty
Make the gamplay perfect. but saying “the controls feel like they're tuned just right to give the game the same sort of pacing inherent to an action horror movie” and give the gameplay 9/10 is very well…… not right. Despite that the gameplay does good
Job not only to feel like you are in the game but does good job to show every singel game how to offer THE gameplay.
Baten kaitos: eternal wings and the lost ocean: aaaahhh…… a rpg …… finaly tow rpg from namc in less than 6 months
And how great is those to games: this and tales of symphonia. But i will talk about the reviwe.
I thik the worst thing to do with tis game is to give a score 8,2/10. and that’s god thing but not good enough.
The game has the best rpg garphics since final fantasy X. but give the games garphic 9/10 is unfair despite how well
The game work with gamecube hardware. In matter fact it’s one of the prettiest game ever to hit the cube and it’s fly
Well with Metroid prime, Resident evil and the Legend of zelda: the wind waker.
While it’s not the graphic only. The sound also is ear candy and ign.com put that game one of the best sound in 2004
Catogory. So what the problem.
OK i think thats enough by now but maybe i will write part 2 of this discussion MAYBE……………………. .