Microsoft will be the first to announce their next console, and then ship it - however, I doubt the Xbox 360 will "die out". My vote goes for the Wii, I can't see how people can keep playing the same ol' games over and over. What will Nintendo release next, Super-Awesome Mario Universe? Come on Nintendo, let's start creating new IPs. Your next big game is what, Mario Kart Wii? Sounds like fun, oh yeah, it is fun since we all played it eleven years ago, or not that long ago on the PS2 and Gamecube, and... oh yeah, the DS. After Mario Kart Wii, I'm guessing the next big game will be another Zelda game. I give more respect to EA than to Nintendo.Stevo_the_gamer
I don't remember a Mario kart ever being on the PS2 but if you have a copy, I'll gladly buy it from you:D
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