Mannnnnnnn, I got stung SO hard on Dragon Ball Z: Ultimate Battle 22 when I was a kid. What a complete and utter pile of DOGSHIT! I panick bought it from GAME (UK) as I was being rushed by my parents to make a decision (£19.99 FML). It was all the money I had at the time, and this was a time when I had basically zero money ever. I still, TO THIS DAY, distinctly remember the sharp, sour taste of disappointment when firing that shithouse up in my Playstation console. Two minutes in I literally could not believe how atrocious it was. It looked like a Gameboy game and played like an old turd. I rushed to my family computer to load up Gamespot on my AOL hamster-wheel connection in search of some sort of "Here's how you access the real game" tutorial. But then... my eyes fell upon that big, bold orange slathered review score (currently 1.2/10 but I swear it used to be around 4/10). I couldn't believe it. The fates had savagely dealt me a violent abortion. Since that fateful day I have NEVER bought a game without reading at least one review first. True story. I'm still angry.
I'm so fed up with sony im just stuffing their overpriced, less compatible console up my a**e, im getting a wii if i want hd i'll fork out half the price for a 360 and get some actual good games! they've really blown it this time!
my best love hate game is Oddworld: Abes Odysee i love that little.... whatever it is with his legendary comments, also all the other funny characters. But i hate the later levels which become incredibly frustrating! i remember when i was about 10-11it was a scolding summers day and i couldn't complete the level "Scrabania" (I had been trying for hours on end) so i ripped the disk out of my ps1 and took a bite out of it! lol luckily my mom bought me another copy! i'll never forget that game
I am not happy about the approximate price of $60 that has been announced as it is just too much money to spend on a single game, but knowing me i'll end up buying them anyway!
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