fastmb's forum posts
what is mhp2gdestinyDemon
"Monster Hunter Portable 2nd G" its an expansion to Monster Hunter Portable(or Freedom in USA) 2 , its only in japan but there's an english patch for it , i have it and its awesome
Bone Blade > Bone Blade+ > Bone Slasher >Golem Blade > Golem Blade+ > Valkirie Blade > Spartacus Blade > Obelion (this is dragon but next its more powerful) > Pael Kelsah ....the best bone dragon GS 912 raw dmg and 230 dragon dmg
or This its a bit more easier
Bone Blade > Bone blade+ > Bone Slasher >Golem blade > Golem Blade+ > Valkirie blade > Titiernia > Blushing Dame .. 864 raw dmg and 220 dragon dmg
there's more GS
Black Blade > Fatalis blade 1008 raw dmg and 250 dragon dmg or ... Black Blade > Fatalis ancestor 960 raw dmg 380 dragon dmg
you can do a black blade GS from 1 dark stone , 4 dark pieces , 1 pokke ticket
there's 3 more but not worth to make it 2 are very weak and the 3rd one its the best dragon GS but too difficult to make lots of material , hope this helps!
is mhf2 a good game, it popular but it got a low review?halfbreed11111
don't listen to gamespot, its a very good game almost everyone who have played monster hunter love it ,its a bit difficult tough in the starting quests but after you slay a dragon or a giant pink gorilla LOL its awesome , i recommend to rent the game first because its a love it or hate it game.
i have to choose a wii or 360 for my b-day , i like a lot the 360 games but im afraid it will get rrod ,couple of questions:
a friend of mine said me you wont get rrod if you dont play much its this true
the new 360s chipset dosent gets rrod?
Unfortunately, that's the way it is. The only thing you can do is get a multicore CPU AND a multithreaded encoder. I thought that a more powerful CPU was enough but while it was an improvement on my old single core CPU it didn't make a huge difference. Once I got an encoder that could use the 2nd core I saw a huge jump in performance. I think it only takes me 30mins to encode a 90min movie now. I use the latest version of PSP Video 9. If you check their FAQ it'll tell you what switch to enter in the console to create extra threads.fynne
i also encode with pspvideo9 a 1:30-2hrs movie like The Simpsons in 30 mins and i got a single core Amd 64 3500+ with 2 gb of ram, so the proble its not that , maybe he has a old computer or not much ram
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