Rock Band 2 or Guitar Hero World Tour?
Sooo, my thoughts on this 2 games...
now, I personally Prefer Rock Band 2 for 1 simple reason
you can use the ones that you own from rock band!!!
anyway, GH was always more centred on guitar and had some awesome songs, but now that you can play with a band.... I don't know, anyway, RB2's songs are great, and i'm looking foward to it
Saints Row 2
what a beautifull game... and before you start to criticise me, i'll tell you, my copy is ORIGINAL, they had it on the glass, and I remembered, there is a law wich allows me to buy everithing that is on display, so, I printed it, went straight to Gamestop, and got my saints row 2 copy, some quick thoughts...
You play as your main character, that you can create, and who is the same character as the first game, if you remember, in the end of the first one, you were on a ship, and it blew up. Now, you wake up in the nursery of "The Rock", a prision Island in Stillwater, a young hispanic guy named Carlos, helps you bail out, and tells you that the saints are no more, they have all dropped their flags and gone into hiding, so you have to regain controll of stillwater, defeating the 3 new bands: The Brotherhood, The Ronin and The Sons of Samedi
on the first missions you rescue Jhonny Gat, your partner from saints 1, and you recruit 3 guys to work on the gangs,and some soliders.
the city has changed because an earthquake destroyed the city, and it was built over the rubble, and there is a company named Ultor, that is also a problem in your path
there are a lot of activities to do, like Fuzz and Septic Avenger, (my favourites) and the costumization is great, I have 2 characters, a guy who looks like The Joker from The Dark Knight, and a girl, I love this game!, this is the sequel to GTA San Andreas!!
Silent Hill Homecoming
now, keep this in mind, I have NEVER finished any Silent Hill games up to date, so this is my first one, I haven't played much of it either, but onto buissness
******SPOILER ALERT*****/
SHH tells the story of Alex Shephard, a war veteran who returns to his hometown of Shepherd's Glen, because he has nightmares about his little brother, Josh (the game actually starts with one of those nightmares btw), when he arrives, he finds that josh is missing, his mother is in a catatonic state, and his father is also missing. the city is also weird too, there are a lot of monsters, like lurkers and nursers with big boobs, the city is covered in fog, and a lot of people are missing.
the combat is diffrent from previous silent hill games, it's more action oriented, and i think, kinda removes the fear from the fights, but I think it will please fans of the series.
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