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faytheofsin Blog


Wow long time no see......

Lets see what did I do over these past.....several months...

Here we go, heres the list

Beat MGS4
Got to disk 4 in Lost Odysee
Beat Mass Effect
Got lvl 70 in WOW

I think thats it...maybe...

OH yeah started cut me some slack...

Anyway thats about it or at least im to tired to think of anything else...

...night :)

GTA4: 20+ hours ?? Is that right...eesh


Wow I have been playing for a looong time....

I'm not even gonna bother listing all the things that are cool about this game.

Theres just too many and I need to go to sleep so I can play more when I wake up :)

I'm sure if you have this game you know well enough that it is so aUsome


Dark Sector: Done

How many hours to beat this game....i dunno

The game was all right...very Gears of War ish...

I wish the "run" controls were different... figure, when you run in invisible mode you should be able to run directly toward the enemy instead of constantly getting stuck on boxes and random other crap...

...all in all it was a pretty good game...

...but whatever I still think Hayden's face looks funny...

ok sleep now...

Call of Duty 4 : 2days+ (I dunno)

I haven't touched a game in a while....

...played COD4 today...

...It was fun :)...

I wish I had it on the 360 one seems to like playing on the PS3...

...just a little while more till GTA...


...sleep now...

Smash Bros Brawl: 8:00

Ouuu fun game :)

Just picked this game up today and Ive been tweaking on it for about 8 hours...

Holy crap the adventure mode is friggin long...

...I love the cinamatics tho, really sets it apart from the other games in the series...

...sad thing is the multiplayer function doesn't work with my system...damn Wii

anyways I like the game so Im happy...

...and sleepy now...heh..

Folklore/ArmyOf2 : Done

Ok so I beat Army Of Two like three days ago...

...I guess it was an all right ending...

The game was kinda short, sadly, but it was fun for all the five hours I played it...

I just beat seriously thirty seconds ago...

sat through the ending credits hoping they would give me a little more explanation...nope, wishfull thinking I guess

...that too was a pretty good game...didn't understand the ending too much but heck, who cares its over now...

...thats all Im sleepy...

Army of Two: 2:00

OH YeAh!!!

Just got a new game today :)


The game is pretty cool so far, Im running around killing everyone...

It does have a Gears of War kinda feel but kinda like a Killswitch kinda thing going on too....

I dunno I still think its pretty cool...

...but now I need sleep...


Break Day

Wow no games today....

...unless you count minesweeper....bleh

...yeah hung out a little, had to be a normal person for a change or else people start forgetting about you...

I'm kinda in a dellema because Army of Two came out and I'm still not done with Folklore...

...I guess we'll find out about that one tommorow...

..Ah time to sleep now :)

Folklore: 20:00ish

I've been playing for so long...

and I'm drunk....and my head hurts...

Ok lets do this quickly...

...I beat the storyline for the dude character and now the game is like, "YOU CANT PLAY ANYMORE"

Yeah apparently I can't continue with the storyline if I don't beat the girl part...

*sigh* I guess I'm gonna beat hers too now...

..oH I need to go to sleep now...

Folklore: 15:00

Yup the story makes sense now :)

I'm on the fourth chapter for the dude and the third chapter for the chick...

I found out that each character has a totaly different move set when in battle...

...and here I was thinking they were both gonna be the exact same thing

Damn the chick in this game is aWsOme, theres this monster called a Buggaboo, basically when she uses it the black furry ball of a monster comes out and like from this furry thingy turns into a giant ball of spikes. Its figgin cool says me!!!

I just don't know what to say the game cool

Anyway thats it...time to sleep :)

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