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I think i just Ji33ed my pants

OMG! those who love their gaming moments should check out the new BATMAN demo on the sys of their choice. I tried the PS3 version ofc and its the mutz nutz for sure.

I had so much fun in the short time i was playing this awesome game that i had to metaphoricaly? change my pants after i finshed. amazing, amazing amaziiing"

I cannot wait for this game, and whether my family, my mum, my nan, or YOU like it or not. I AM GETTING IT!

hehe cant wait.

BF1943 - 1st impressions.

Oi you orrible little maggot. get your boots shined and your bayonet fixed. we are off to war! MOOOOVVVVEEEEE IT MAGGGOT! ahem. sorry, carried away. I`ve been tracking this for ages, and finaly got my dirty little mitts on a copy (metaphorically speaking). I am an avid bbc fan, and 1943 with the same frostbite engine, using the same vehicle and destructables system is an absolute blast. I love FPS`s, CoD4 was awesome, KZ2 great, and BBC as good if not better than the rest, 1943, lives up to the high benchmark set by all these games. at least for a 1st impression (3-4 hours play) The 3 maps are all damn beautifull, the combat mechanics spot-on. if u like vehicles (i do, i do) a bit of practise (and a good upper gunner buddy) can make you a force to be reckoned with (and eventualy, blown up! as evryone will be after u). planes are tricky, but i see huge potential. all in all this has lived up to expectations and beyond. a great shooter till BBC2 comes out. teeeennnnnnnnnnnnshun! incidently i've been reading of unfair team matching. can't say i've seen this yet. tho my stats did take a few hours before i could see them ingame. unfortunatly i cant see myself on the leaderboards or a stat breakdown of myself as yet. (says try again later). I`d reccomend this for sure. so far.

For my Ps3 on my BD i get SSHD & a RPG (that made me LOL @ me HDTV)

After upgrading my drive this week to a nice big two hundred and fifty gigabeauts. and it being my birthday, what more a valid excuse could i find for aquiring some new games.

Super stardust HD and Disgaea 3, Two total opposites of the gaming spectrum. both extreme fun. I loved Super stardust back in the day, and always wanted a descent version for my home com but never got it for some reason. This DLC from the PSN is the gem i was looking for. Talk about hectic. Your a lone ship trying to protect planets from an onslaught of rocks, golden boulders, giant ice type rocks, aliens, worms and many other beasties with your extremely powerfull (when fully powered up) blaster. with an average game at the moment lasting me around an hour. this is one fun shooter any fan of shooters can't afford to miss. (the single player addon is great too)

Disgaea 3 is a turn based stategy RPG that boasts over 100 hours of battles. I had never heard of this game or its series and stumbles across it in the shop. being an avid old skool rpg fan i snapped it up. Graphicaly this game leaves something to be desired but the humourous story, fun character, amazing amount of hidden content way beyond the final game is just, well, i have read stories of people sinking hundreds and hundreds of hours into this game. i can see how and why. its not often i LOL (literaly) but being an evil class trying to be good to be evil is a real breath of fresh air. incidently the rough graphics greatly make the game seem more "old skool" in my book this isnt a bad thing!

Another 2 great additions to join the family that sits on the shelf above the desk! nice.

New Game for me..shame about the audience.

Another new game added to my collection today for my ps3, Prototype!

I get it unwrapped and settle down to a few hours of company with my black beauty. An hour or so in and I'm stoked. this game seems awesome. i almost got sacred 2, but now am glad i didnt. cuppa tea, smoke, i have the controls down, all set... SLAM! the front door! My gf and her mate come in and decide to watch me playing. I know have to contend with a barage of useless questions and statements of the obvious. Oh dear seems my afternoon of self gratification is over for now. roll on bedtime so i can sneak back down when she is asleep.....

sony's got me playing with my balls again..

..this time all day long!

I'm talking about pinball. the new PSN release for the ps3. Zen Pinball. I got the demo 2 days ago and that really did wet my appetite for this game, the limited score you was allowed and one table was a tease of all teases. so today i got it and WOW i'm so glad i did!

if you like pinball you'll love this. 4 tables with stunning, colorfull and vibrabrant graphics that really make the tables shine with great art, tons of ramps. flashing lights, gimmicks, skill games, bumpers, flippers, and SHINY BALLS! the just 1 more game syndrome is turned up to full and you can't but help flick and flip your balls just one more time! online can be tense great fun especialy if the match is a close one and losing your ball means losing the match!

the only downside is that when i let my GF play, i have to put up with strings of obsceneties and curses as she seems to inherit acute torretes whenever her ball dies! on the bright side though, my GF usualy hates com games so getting her involved in this is great!

awesome fun indeed, if the kids are lucky they MAY even get a go this weekend.. maybe..

Games that last longer than your average game!

So I'm remenising about old the old days of rubber keyboards and r-tape loading error's and decided to share my small list of games that i currently play every now and again that still hold my interest, long after more recent buys have faded into pixel heaven.

I'm not talking a full play through, or a new gane that is holding my interest coz its uncompleted or all new to me. I'm talking about games that in my opinion, have great replay value and longetivity, just like the old days when games would last for months, or so i seem to remember- man against machine, how games SHOULD be! ;) as opposed to man WITH machine -mistakes, errors or lack of skill means nothing in these types of games, you just restart from usualy not more than 2 or 3 mins back. I think they call it accessibility. bah i call it selling out! [end rant]

anyway enough of the moaning, ^^ my list -in no particular order
Then:Mean 18 (speccy), Pga golf (c64), Jack nicholas (with course designer) (amiga)
Now: Everybod'ys golf world tour (ps3)

I love arcadey games that are pick up and go (being raised on 8bit, 16k, 16 colors and and mono beeps for sound, anything after a ps1 for me was like having a free arcade in my own home:), arcadey graphics, arcadey playability, and arcadey sounds.It just keeps me coming back for another round or 2, at least once a week. The early courses are great fun to play and the later ones with wobbly greens and more water hazzards than a tsunam require real skill (and a smattering of luck) to get by with a decent score. Equipment unlocks, tricky "bosses" (ish), and a kind of xp system to allow an even greater variety of shots and skills like the "homing shot", backdoor puts and super spin, to name but a few. The real icing tho' is multi player. I still scream YESSSSS!!!! when i chip in a birdie that was perhaps a make or break shot. i still scream "Mo$3**$%^r F%£"**^g son of a $£&&^%, C*&%**ish F&$£*&^%g Game its S&%T ANYWAY" when i miss, and then carry on feeling better for the outburst, knowing that i'll still be playing in 6 months time anyway.

always up for a round if ya want 1..... everybodys golf?, everlasting golf more like! Fore!

More soon...


ps3>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>360 :D

