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From Russia With Frustration

I gave up on finishing From Russia With Love on PS2. In fact I almos broke the disk I was so frustrated. I am about 1/3rd into the game, on the motorboat level, where someone else is driving/controlling the boat, while I am supposed to shoot the bad guys, boats and locks. The control is so non-precise, it is absolutely painful to shoot the targets, so I never managed to survive the level, after 10 or so retries. I decided that it is just not worthwhile to struggle through the game like this. On the other hand, I am having a blast with Resident Evil 4. The atmosphere and the story is great, the movement of the zombies is really fluid, and it's incredibly satisfying to shoot them, the way they take the hits is really fun. I am slightly worried about boss battles, as I am crap usually in those situations, but we'll see how it goes.