Nunchuck control better
fbidog's forum posts
I just buy a new Wii for 179.99$ I have the three console and I finally can play Donkey Kong Country :)
Well... In my opinion and is probably true all things are made to break.. Eventually at least.[QUOTE="F0urTwenty"][QUOTE="Jurassic85"]
It really scares me how many threads there are like this. I hope my 360 lasts (at least) until the next gen of consoles are released. It seems inevitable for them to break, and I take good care of my systems.
No, the fact is that Microsoft was just lazy in troubleshooting the 360. None of my systems have ever broken. I still have an original NES, SNES, N64, etc. None of them have ever given me problems.
I was reading an article today about the 360 vs the PS3. One of the journalists pointed out that the 360 is such a great system that people have been willing to buy 4 or 5 of them because they get a new one each time they break. His point was that in the future console developers will think "its okay if our system breaks quickly, because look at the 360! Those broke all the time and people just bought new ones." In that regard, it sets a bad example for the gaming industry.
It's true many sale for 360 was just people buying new one...this one will be my third one...for this one I buy a extended warranty from already saves me 2 or 3 time with the first model...and I take care of 1 year and a half ps3 still working...i hope it will for a long time
The first one at EBgames, second and third one at walmart
My XBOX 360 just died today...after 2 years of service :( and on one of my favorite game I'll probably be buying my third 360 today...and maybe a Wii too XD
With Wii2 in the air, does it worth it to buy a Wii at 209$ Canadian ???
Hmm...another Call Of after WW2 and Modern Warfare games and now vietnam....what could you do to mahe it new....Hmm...Yes ! Call Of Duty: Medieval Archer...a FPS of course XD
Lost Odyssey, the darkness, kameo
What do you guys think of playstation move...I think it look precise, but ther's is a lack of software for lunch....Still Killzone 3, Heavy Rain, Resident evil gold edition, Socum 4 will support it ? So give me your opinion
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