What they need to make is a Zelda that has similar levels and castles but improve the scope so that it is a map like Skyrim. It would still play like Zelda for the 64, 3rd person, but with much more open world mentality and a larger breadth of characters. Don't make it a cartoon make it as hyper realistic as a Zelda game can be, amp the graphics up as much as possible and wow us - make us a Zelda that has never looked so pretty
By the way....that level was not that great...and not that entertaining, but the end of it was, gave it a nice twist. Called 'plot'. They made a ballsy move putting that level in there. It was disturbing, especially because I found myself wasting innocent civilians in the same way I would other more dangerous foes in a video game. It's called 'Modern' Warfare for a reason. One side of that/this war is an enemy that will take noncombatants lives without thinking, and that level showed, as well as a video game can, what that experience is like. Did anyone else feel 'different' while they shot down unarmed civilians at a cold and methodical pace as opposed to the rest of the game? Was it as satisfying? Was it as much fun? No? Well then mission accomplished, the game truly did immerse you in its narrative.
But the more important question: Do we have the choice to play or not play what video game (or any other mode of entertainment) we like? Well here in America, yes we do! And if we don't like something well guess what! We can turn it off! Return it! If I don't like a book I don't have to read it! (Unless I'm school!) The freedom of choice in the real world is so very much important than the choices we are given in the virtual ones.
But here's the problem: Humans can be addicted to ANYTHING. So why single video games out? Why not music? Why not movies? How about football? I've heard people say they go through depression when the football season ends. The real question is not whether video game addiction exists, but where it stands in the spectrum of other addictions. Is this an epidemic that is truly upsetting the fabric of society?
When I put Halo 1 on for the first time my jaw dropped from how good it looked. I went all the way through it and loved every minute. Halo 2 did not impress me and I didn't even bother finishing it and couldn't stand the multiplayer. Now I have Halo 3, I figured I might as well play one of if not the biggest titles of the year. I am enjoying this game much more than I anticipated, it rekindles the spirit of the original game, and the multiplayer is a hell of a lot of fun.
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