All of this reminds of the recent case, that the journalist Laura Kate, who is a transgender woman, was humiliated on stage. Of course she is not the only one that suffered this kinda of abuse.
Besides they present some interesting games there, that wouldnt have their space on a big convention.
@joshmonus so you're saying other sites gave a 10 because Rockstar spend money on ads with them? Oh thanks, now it makes sense why the game scored so well since it was not that special.
and btw... GS had a lot of GTAV ads, a lot, to the point people ware accusing GS of taking money from Rockstar, apparently you missed all of those.
Especially with reviews, people take scores way too seriously, so they end up making ridiculous comparisons with games that ware aimed to VERY different audiences
I can't possibly understand why so many people see a score as a personal attack and can't handle that their games has flaws.
Funny thing about Last Guardian and FFvXIII (Now FFXV), since both ware announced I finished high school, got into college, finished college and now I have a full time job.
with that said, I dont really care about this anymore
@berserker66666 I love how people only saw the misogyny part, she made points on script, characters and other thing. You're ignoring all these things because you ware, I dont know why, personal offended because she didnt gave a 10 to a game you like.
Review is an opinion, if it wasn't all reviews would say essentially the same thing, the same gets different scores because people have different opinions...
fefisgbf's comments