felipebo / Member

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Some updates.

So, I finally had the time to sit down and play God Of War III, and ZOMG it's too good. I'll try and reserve judgment, because not all great games remain great throughout, but I'm hooked. Also I've been cooking up a new blog post "Deliciously Convoluted Stories". Yes, don't expect anything more than JRPGs (not really). I should post it 'till tomorrow. Also, for some reason I've been possessed with nostalgia, and before I knew it I was making a list of awesome PS/PS2 games to replay. They include:

  • Final Fantasy VII
  • Final Fantasy IX
  • Persona 4
  • Vagrant Story
  • Xenogears
  • TWEWY (Best DS game. Period.)

I also have a plethora of games I wish I had played when they were released, like FFVIII and FF Tactics. I maybe checking them out later. I also am awaiting my copy of Resonance Of Fate (End Of Eternity sounds better), which managed great score all around. And that's that, I'm going to finally play my PSP again, after a year of it just laying there.