@RSM-HQ: I really enjoy playing it with my friends instead of going solo, but I think the new map may be too wide and you spend more time on the road seeing nobody. Especially vehicles in the desert, remarkably slow and the bumpy little hills, lol, killers of vehicles!
Honestly, I have seen some Pubg Live on twitch, kind of boring, probably because of the languages. I am from China, I do like Chinese PUBG lives, the live comments can be so funny in most cases. I just close live comments when it's too negative, out of sight and out of mind, haha.
I really enjoy PUBG, wish Bluehole can punish cheaters even harder. Oh, Tencent is gonna run the game in China so everybody is looking forward to it given the background that cheaters are like running everywhere in every game. This is so good, I remember last time Tencent was striking cheating tools developers, they just took the police force and got them right in their work studio, LOL!!!
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