I keep reading about people going on and on about how the DS redesign was sooooo much better....But when Nintendo announced it and people saw it they were saying the same crap they are saying here. It's not worth it, oh wow now we can change the back-light settings! And a smaller profile! not worth buying. All of a sudden what Nintendo did was so much better than what Sony is doing even though Sony's changes are more substantial than Nintendo's. Some people need to step off their high horses. If Sony were to try and do much more with this PSP we would see the end of UMD's and that pretty screen, those two alone are why you are not seeing major changes to the system, with a disc based system and a 4' screen there is only so much you can do with the profile of the PSP. I'm sure if Sony would have adopted carts and a smaller screen you all would be ripping your hair out crying about how they really ruined it...but at least it would be smaller than the new lite one and less load times. I think the new one is good, enough to keep original players still in the loop and just enough to entice some new players onto the system. I will be trading in my old PSP for this new one. You don't like the changes don't buy it, pure and simple. You don't need to sit here and gripe about how Sony has burned your sorry butt because they didn't do what you wanted. They already have your 200 bucks so what do they care about those that already have a PSP? IMO it will be nice to drop my PSP and my DS in my pockets without looking like I'm carrying a concealed weapon.
fenrir26's comments