ferballz / Member

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Vacations here but I have nothing to do so im pretty bored out of my mind and its hot. That doesnt help .Does anyone have any suggestions on how to not kill myself over vacation besides Gamespot

Graduation !!!

Man finally graduating middle school dam it got boring .Hope high school is better . Can anyone tell me any tips in high school ?And can anyone tell me when ep 51 on FMA is gonna repeat ?                                                                                  

ps this has nothing to do with graduation I wish they made more DBZ they kind of messed up in DBGT but its still good.

Changed my profile !!!!

I got really bored so I changed my profile how do U like it.                                     ps can anyone tell me how to put those kind of union things when U comment?? 

About Me

Im 14 . Live in California Pacioma . Im a big game freak and I want to get into animation .Favorite games are Halo , Halo 2 , All of the mario Games. fable , But not GTA it sucks. The other stuff that you want to know your gonna have to ask me to know........ My yahoo Messenger acount is ferballzf my myspace is ferballz. Oh and Im a huge Anime Fan especially FMA Oh and ima a guy