No, the giver of the quest is S'Drassa, it is a Mages' Guild quest. I tried killing a member and getting suspended, but that didn't reset the quest. I guess I'm stuck, which sucks cause I wanted to finish the Mages Guild quests. Just so the creators of Oblivion know, this quest is a waste of time...
Oh wow. Yeah, im stuck. This quest was a while ago, and i dont have any reloads before the quest. Hah, so is there anyway I can mess the quest up, by killing the person who assigned it maybe? Then i'll see if that person can respawn?
Yeah you're right about that seeing it but not getting it. But I tried using telekinisis, which is the spell Remote Manipulation, I can move things 10 feet of range. But the spell didn't go through the ice. If you could get me a link to the solution that'd be great, thanks.
Hello. I'm having trouble with a quest in the xbox 360 version of Oblivion, "Tears of the Savior." I've noticed this issue has come up alot. I found all the tears surrounding the frozen knight, but I can't get the one near him. Unlike the experience of others in videos and screenshots, the tear near the knight isn't on the outside of the frozen block, but on the inside. It's by his feet, and I've tried to crouch and get as close as I can to the tear, but I can't grab it. If anyone could help whose experienced or knows of this problem, that'd be great. Thanks.
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