I havent owned a Nintendo system since the N64 and I didnt think I would ever own one again. I predicted that Nintendo would defintely come out on the bottom of the pile after 360 and PS3, but the Wii has got me thinking.
There are few things that are looking quite attractive to me now about the system: 1. the controller, it might become a novelty but at least they're trying something new. 2. the price tag, cheaper than 360 and half as much as PS3, no comparison. 3. CLASSIC GAMES! The thought of playing classic games like Contra, Kid Icarus, Castlevania, Metroid, Baseball Stars, Kung Fu, oh I could go on for days, has gotten me giddy. I'm actually waxing nostalgic right now just thinking about the hours and hours playing my first NES. Oh those were the days, before $50-60 games and the console wars
Any thoughts?