DLC was alright, playing with Alucard was amazing. It was a bit too short tho, and lacked exploration.
The best would have been if they gave you the chance to play through the LoS2 story, but on Alucards side. From the beginning to the end, and with a secret ending boss- Alucard and Gabriel against Satan's True Form. His abilities and combat were really good, but I actually hoped for a werewolf form when you hit R1 (chaos)... all in all, Mercurysteam, don't let this be the last DLC we get... punch yourself in the balls and give us a worthy DLC, so that it might be well remembered.
The second symphony of night. Most reviews I've read over the past few days were a clear "masterpiece! 9/10" or 8 , 4/5 etc. Game informer gave it a 6/10, but I don't take that site seriously. Ign gave it a 6.5 just cus they wanted to be different than GS.
Fetuskid's comments