I think Blu-Ray is 4 watching not for playing. Think about it, it takes 5+ years for a game to be made. think about the time and MONEY it would cost a team to make a game. I just dont see that happening. Blu-ray is cool for the movies I'll give U that. I have a 360 BC i had the money then. I want a WII and I want a PS3 so that doesn't make me a fan boy i think. It's just $600 + $60 for a game WOW. U guys are all kids who really dont have an idea of how hard this may hit ur parents. THANTS ALOT OF MONEY!!! I want my PS3 to play games and shut up, not go on a web, not watch DVD's(blu-ray), not play mp3, I WANT TO PLAY!!! Coming from an adult I just cant see the point in spending so much for so little. the little comes from my disapointment from buying a PSP when it came out and having crap games comeout ever sinse. I'll wait for the price drop.
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