Real Blog Post
by ff12134 on Comments
I haven't had a blog post about my personal life in a while so I'll do one today. Last week on thursday June 12 it was my last day of school which rocks and suck. Rocks becuz no homework which equals more video games. Sucks becuz I wont be able to see my friends as much and this year was the best year (fun-wise) Ive ever had at school. I hate how its so bitter-sweet!!! Well now that baseball is over I have to get ready for football. My baseball coach said I'm going to tear up the league because I'm uber fast and have great hands and I'm gonna be one of the older kids on my team but I dont believe him. It's gonna be my first year in football and It's not as much scared as I'm nervous. Yay I got two new friends which is awesome becuz I was getting pretty bored on Gamespot and was only coming on for my unions. I also got my first badge which is Tagger Flirt becuz I have 50 tags which isnt very much really. Oh yeah I'm so happy I'm finally getting Oblivion tomorrow I'm glad cuz Ive been wanting a new rpg bad. Well that is it for this blog post but one more thing I cant believe how much faster Ive gotten at typing since playing some mmorpg's. I used to be so slow but now I can type really fast probably from going on on Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos. My friend used to be way faster than me but now I'm a little bit faster than him. Well that official end of blog post. Goodbye.