ffxii_guru's forum posts
I'm writing an article for a blog on the PlayStation systems, and I'm currently writing the second installment of a pair of articles titled "The X-Bot v.s.the Playstationeer." I need for someone who knows how the Move adapter works. I currently do not own the Move adapter/add-on, so I'm searching for someone who does so that they can give me a brief rundown on it. So post here if you're interested, or email me by going to my blog at http://playstationguru-theguruofplaystation.blogspot.com/and looking at the last artcle on the first page. Thanks in advance! :)
[QUOTE="Superman240706"][QUOTE="magitekk"][QUOTE="Superman240706"][QUOTE="magitekk"][QUOTE="Superman240706"]Well thats your opinion :) , I personally think they start to get better after 6 !!valereth-1
Says the person who's only played FFVII and FFX
Aww Looks like someones confused dont worry :) I'v played and i own VII , VIII , X , X-2 , XII , XIII So You was saying......?Alright then...let me rephrase.
"Says the person who's never even played anything below FFVII"
Oh yeah i forgot I'V played FF 2 On PSP :)....I think you should give up now =(Play IV and VI. They are as good as the series getsIV was excellent, I think the later remake of it after Advance kind of killed the game. However, XII is my favorite
1. Short Introduction: Hey all, What's up?
2. GS Name: ffxii_guru
3. Real Name:ffxii_guru
4. Position In FFE:Newbie
5. Gender:Male
6. Date of Birth: September 16th
7. Place of Birth: United States
8. Height: 5'5
9. Weight (jk):8000000000000 pounds (jk)
10. Ethnicity: Caucasian
11. Current Location of Residence: United States
12. Religion: Catholic, not very religious though
13. Job: School
14. Personality: kind, honest, sincere
15, Habits/Mannerisms; Scratches chin occasionally
16. Girl/Boy Friends:Single
17. Pets:None
18. What Do You Look for in a Person: Honesty
19. What Do You Look Away From in a Person: Liars
20. Consoles Owned:Ps2, Wii, PC
21. How Long Have You Played Games: 13 years
22. Which Final Fantasy Have You Played: XII
23. If you could be any FF character, which character would you be: Vaan
24. How long have you been on Gamespot: Two days
25. Favorite muscial instrument: Electric Guitar
1. Game(s) in General:Final Fantasy, Midnight Club
2. FF Game:XII
3. Console(s):Ps2
4. Movie(s): Bruce Almighty
5. TV Show(s):Family Guy, South Park
6. Food: Burritos
7. Colour: Blue
8. Music: Rock, Metal
9. Place of Travel: Athens, Greece
1. Other interests and hobbies: Reading, Writing, Music
2. Contact Information: ffxiiguru @aim.com
3. Random Facts: Once shaved his eyebrows off with scissors
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