ffxrox2's forum posts
[QUOTE="CTR360"]resident evil5 fear2 godfather2 alan wake bioshock2 mafia2 call of duty modern warfare2 aliens colonies marines wolfenstein ridick star ocean prototype rage mass effect2 forza3 lionhead and rare games i hope chaoscougar1what is with the lack of commas and spaces between the word and number....i dont think you could have made this any harder to read if u tried
Also great games for this year
Star Ocean 4
Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2 (COD6)
New Rainbow 6 installment
Uncharted 2
F.E.A.R 2
And many more great games buddy.
I dont have any games for ps3......also take into consideration that i bought mine online last week, got here 2 days ago, and i bought a game 2 days after i wont the auction on ebay, so yes i dont LOL.just wondering if i'm the only person who has no games for my ps3?
traided them all in and a few pounds and some restless nights later i'm kind of regreting it!
next month cant come quick enough....
Hmm i would get Killzone 2 and then later on get Call of duty Mod war 2.
Thanks 4 the welcome XD.
And oh so thats what the stars are for, a likeness ranking, sweet lol.
Leave it to MS, wonder what those genius's will think of next.
Oh and you have good taste in games!! =].
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