It's amazing how programming has made the xbox 360 better. The anti-aliasing is really apparent here. When the xbox first came out, I didn't notice that AA was turned on and it was a bummer, but now, as programming has improved, developers are making use of things that they couldn't before, even though the hardware was the same. Amazing! And now the AA looks great. Not so for the PS3, at least so far and in this game...
I don't know. I think you need a Cray super computer to run Vista. My system is old (2.4 ghz P4 with 1gb pc2700 and geforce 6800 card). Vista runs fine, although it seems a little slower, but frame rate is disatrous. A game like Falcon 4.0 is beautiful and fast in XP but down to 1 frame per sec in Vista. I've have the latest geForce Vista driver and my second monitor doesn't work with it. I'm not sure what the deal is, so I'm back on XP for now.
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