fiddlecub's forum posts
This union would like to have this leader assigned. I can confirm the original leader was banned.
was banned, and was also leader of the Team Ninja Clan Union.
Please transfer leadership as decided by the union to HRDKyoSaNim.
Secondly, I have an opinion of my own. No, "bunnyhopping" isn't the most pleasant aspect of shooters, particularly in Battlefield 2, but jumping is an almost necessary addition to most current-day shooters. When I play a shooter that does not feature jumping, such as Killzone or Perfect Dark Zero, I feel too confined, and I am willing to bet almost all PC shooter players would feel similarly confined. Even in other genres, taking away the jump mechanism (such as with Star Wars Galaxies) feels unnecessary.
That said, some developers try to curb the issue, such as DICE with the stamina bar in BF2, or with the excellent implementation in Call of Duty 2. It makes for a consistent experience for those that don't like to jump--and yet, that's the rub. Those that jump are using a control mechanism built into the game, and in some games, such as UT2K4 or Quake 3, it's as important an aspect of the action as any other. In fact, in UT, you can turn on mutators that let you triple-jump, and some maps play with gravity to excellent effect, contributing to outragous jumping that is fun to pull off--and fun to shoot at. When players in BF2 do this, they are using a technique that--for better or for worse--has become a shooter mainstay, and has likely been a part of their gameplay technique since they started playing FPS's.
In BF2, I don't jump around, because it detracts from my own experience. But no, I don't criticize those that do because it is, after all, a game. It isn't an exploit: the ability to do these things are programmed into shooters for a reason. Whether or not you enjoy this aspect of the gameplay isn't really the fault of the player who jumps as much as it is your own irritation with something that seems so out of place. Will I avoid bunnyhopping in BF2? Of course. Will I hop around like mad in UT2K4? Of course. Those playstyles are what makes the separate experiences of those games fun for me. Am I upset when other players don't adjust their playstyle based on the subject matter of the game? Nah.
It is, after all, a game.
Now, back to our regularly-scheduled MMO programming :)
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