@rsmith124 Well, I'm no relationship expert but you should try to explain to her WHY you do gaming. What fascinates you and what's the "magic" all behind. I'm pretty sure you do have at least a slight interest in what SHE is doing. "How was your day at the horse stables?" "How was yoga?" "how was swimming?" etc. If she does some "special" hobby and you haven't asked her about, yet, it's time to do it! Ask her why she's doing that. Don't do it in order to get her interested in your hobby, do it because your interest is real (women will know that) and to give her a sense of simply being interested in what the partner does. And then, I hope so and I think so if she's great woman, she will start asking you. BUT your wife HAVE to be priority number one. If she thinks that gaming pulls you away from HER, than she'll never like it. If she wants your help with something just put down the pad and don't say "later, hon'!". Just do it. Making your wife happy should make YOU more happier than playing a game. And if she sees gaming is not a "problem" she will get interested in (at least asking you about it). After a while you just ask her "why don't you try it, pumpkin? Sometime?". Don't force her, just offer it to her so that she knows you want it and have no problem with it. If she gives a reason why not (e.g. too brutal) explain her other games with different kind of victory conditions and gameplay mechanics (e.g. FEZ, Journey, Braid, etc. those are great starters, or movie-like games like Heavy Rain to give an example of game's possibilities)
But keep in my mind that you cannot change one's interests entirely. So if –for what reasons on Diablo's earth– gaming is the last thing in life she would do after hell's frozen over, than there's nothing to do. Except for not making gaming a problem (see above) to dodge the hating.
I wish Battlefield 3 had actually a global/team voice chat on a server on PC.
General advise: Be generous if you play with a buddy. When a friend of mine and me are playing BF3 we rather ask who drives the tank or just say "you drive". Mostly everyone has their speciality. So I'm driving in 7 out of 10 times the tank while my mate is the secondary passanger. If you notice that your buddy is much better than you in some area, just let him have. He's happy and you, too, eventually when you win.
It's about having fun together, not who has the most gold or best equip in action RPGs. Your character probably won't die instantly if you give up some item. What's the deal, just let him have it. It's very relaxing to play with another friend of mine games like Dungeon Siege 3 because there is no "competition". We sometimes joke about the damage dealt, and that his or mine is "ridiculous", but we can switch that one on and off. So the best thing is: Just have fun while playing and beating the game, not making up internal competitions that aren't considered by the game and its mechanics.
@rsmith124 Just to clarify, Diablo suits only to a branch of the RPG-genre. It is an hack'n'slash (or hack'n'slay) RPG. The difference is important, because when you ask for a RPG in future some people will recommend games like The Witcher or Risen etc. that are totally different.
@tsunami2311 After playing for hours and hours you get those values, eventually. I'm no fan of big values in games, but seeing you can play Diablo half-way of an eternity with ever stronger enemies and better equip the values rise. But you definitely won't start with that amount of damage.
Good review. Would rate 7/10, too. Better and more fun than Risen 2 but combat system doesn't cope with Risen 1. It's fun nevertheless the adventure the islands.
pro tipp for everybody stoping at or right after the tutorial: PB made the mistake to start with a pirate setting. Try to get over with the (lame ass) tutorial. It definitely gets better.
I find Kane & Lynch 2 very enjoyable. Fast paced, brutal and action orientated story. Too bad it's rather short, not to mention one of the shortest shooters I've have ever played. But great fun with a buddy, however!
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