That is a good idea. Something like what they have in place for the "game collection" section of the profile. I would also like to have something that would allow me to make multiple changes to the contact section of the profile.
fillabuster's forum posts
The Gamspot staff most likely enters into an agreement with the buyers of either a companies advertising division, and ad agency, or a company who specializes in placing advertisement online or otherwise to place ads on the site. It's up to the company to decide what ad they want to use; that is, if they believe the ad is in compliance with their brand image and message. The image is simply what they call stopping power: it grabs your attention and creates curiosity so that you take the next step of clicking over the ad to see the video.
I'm South Korean and I don't find the ad offensive at all.
Also this seems like a topic better suited for the off-topic forum.
I've held positions as leader and officer in unions and I've seen a trend of high initial activity followed by little to not activity for months for new unions and a creeping decline in activity for established unions. Anyone who has held one of these positions can tell you that it can be extremely hard to keep union interest.
That's why I'm recommending that union leaders be authorized to create or select from a created list emblems that can be distributed/awarded to active recruits and show up in their profile screens.
I don't know why but people will do back flips for them or the idea of possible obtaining a new one. The reason is mainly as a reward system much like giving out the "vote rocker" emblem to keep union activity from fluctuating drastically.
If you already checked the local stores then you best bet is to try online.
tequilero mentioned which is a good start but I would add,, and
Of course there always amazon and ebay so check them out to find the cheap buys.
First of all don't call us "gamers" cause we're not. Personally I'm a Playstation aficionado or and enthusiast.
Secondly, Fear Effect it already had a sequel called Retro Helix.
As for the petition read the fine print:
The Fear Effect Inferno needs a new Publisher Petition to Gamers was created by and written by Les Abernathy. This petition is hosted here at as a public service. There is no endorsement of this petition, express or implied, by Artifice, Inc. or our sponsors. For technical support please use our simple Petition Help form.
What makes you think a non-endorsed online petition created by some random user is going to do anything?
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