Life sucks :| My pal is moving away out of state and he was a pretty cool dude. This guy was an all around awesome gamer. I mean he was a fellow God of War fanatic, he was kick @$$ at Gears of War and Halo...Street Fighter, Guitar Hero, Super Smash Brothers Melee, the list goes on of the games that we used to play together. And it's too bad too cuz we were expecting to play Brawl together since last year, but then delays and more delays prevented that from ever happening. Kinda sucks. This would be a good moment to own a 360 with LIVE, as he is an Xbox gamer. Man it would have been awesome if he had stayed but people gotta move on i guess. I suppose it's different when people you are close to are actually gamers. There are so many memories with so many different games, this is why i love offline multiplayer so much. The priceless memories that these games create that could not ever be recreated online or by a single player game. Man, games are great...and now i have 1 less friend to play them with :( There are other people, but it's not the same man! lol I have no one's house to play 360 at anymore :cry: I'm gonna miss the 360...well, there's always my cousins house and other people who im not that close to...but still. My other close friend is a PS3 gamer and the other one is a PC gamer. LOL dont think for a second i only think of friends for games though :P But many memories...
I helped hime pack up today and even to the last second the dude was holding on to his 360...until we finally said...peace.
Good bye fellow gamer friend, maybe we'll play some games again one day...
Anyway im tired from helping him pack, i've played no games today and am getting sleepy, so yea...
It's funny how in my last blog i said please no more Brawl spoilers and now i actually see more of them than before :|
This is the highest level of Blasphematism...
This is my new law of hype...more hype = more haters.
So stop the hype or else all we're gonna hear about is people thinking this game's gonna flop, which wasn't the case before.
And to those of you who get the CD to unlock the regions and order the japanese version of Brawl i say to thee: SHUT THE HELL UP AND DONT TELL ANYONE ANYTHING!! Please :)
So yea damn it now i have lost the only friend that was real competetion for me in fact he was the #1 smash player in my town...the hunt begins for new challengers :twisted:
*searches town for smash players that can do more than throw bombs*