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Getting the Band Together

So, a couple of weeks ago when Gamespot had their Guitar Hero: World Tour bundle pack on sale I managed to snatch up on before the 360 versions were all gone. Now, I have the drums sitting out in the living room along with my guitars and mic. My parents, both in their 50's, are the ones who have been playing with me more often than not. My dad played an instrument in high school, so he's fairly comfortable with playing easy on the bass. My mom however, has no musical talent and, even worse, no hand eye coordination so she can only play on beginner. I have to say that whoever designed the beginner difficulty did a piss poor job of it. It only requires her to strum. How is that suppose to help someone who's never played the game to learn?

The drums are just as bad. The beginner once again simply requires you to tap anything, but when you actually put it on easy it becomes too hard. It doesn't help that decided to change the order of the colors, but the learning curve is pretty high when you consider that not only are you using your hands, but a foot as well. Realism is all well and good, but making things too difficult too quickly simply making it flustrating rather than fun. Once you get the hang of it, it's not so bad but anyone who has ever played a real drum set will have a nice advantage.

Last is the mic. Over all I don't have much of a complaint about it. I've only played it on easy as of yet but it is the easiest part in the band, unless you don't know the song. You might get laughed at about your pitch not matching the real thing but the game doesn't care so long as you go higher or lower with the song No Sleep Til Brooklyn by the Beastie Boys and Beat it by Micheal Jackson are the hardest ones I've personally encountered on the mic.

The custom characters aren't anything more than a shiny toy to play with. I'd have been just as happy if they had just had the default characters.

They did a good job at the variety of the songs. There are enough older songs that my parents don't complain about the newer songs. Overall, I'd give the game an 8/10.

Little annoyances

Now, I don't often get on a soapbox and complain about things but this annoyed me. I went to the tranformers move today, which was good FYI. So, I get my sweettarts and pop, find myself a nice seat, and settle in for the next 2 1/2 hours of robot action. Well, before the previews had even started I found that the movie trivia questions had been replaced with commericals. Actually, commericals that I've seen on tv. Now, someone tell me why I paid 7.50 for the movie and then 8.50 on snacks to watch freaking commericals. That's the last thing I want to watch when I go into a movie theater. I can understand that the movie people think that they can probably make some money by selling advertising time, but that still annoyed me to end. They have a freaking Prius and camera commerical on before the movie and all I can think about for the first 1/2 hour is how annoyed I was.

It's getting harder and harder to get away from that kind of stuff itt seems. The radio, the tv, magazines, billboards, and just about everywhere else you have some company trying to stuff something down your throat. Movies always had commericals, but they were just previews and considering your at the theater it would make sense to promote upcoming films. I suppose the only way to get away from it would be to go completely off the grid.

Well, that's my two cents for what it's worth.

Advent Rising

I don't care what that dude says, I think that this is a great game. It does have a lot of flaws in the game, but it wasn't anything I couldn't simple over look. The mix between the power you aquire later in the game with some of the fire power you get is unreal.

The Alex dude made the comment that you could simple lift your enemy and blast him. That is true but not very affective after a while. Plus you get some cool offensive powers that I wouldn't want to miss out on.

I give it a 7 out of 10. Great game, but needed a little more work. I hope that they do come out with the whole trilogy for the game.

Kotor 2

Althought, the game is not as good as the first, it still does the series justice. It was dissappointing that Bioware could not continue with the series but around of applause to Obsidence. It had some technical improvements that was definately a nice piece of eye candy. A nice new thing was that in combat you didn't have to go to your inventory to switch your weapons, instead there a nice button on the command bar that lets you switch between two choosen weapons. And for the lightsabers there are some new colors including silver, orange, cyan, and some others.Also in the first one as you leveled up you could engage in a new conversation with your crewmates. Well, in the second you need to have enough influence to get them to spill their secerts. Adds a nice bit of realism, but it does limit some of your conversation options with some characters. It is almost impossible to gain influence with HK-47 if you are a lightside person. However, it is fun to watch as your crew slowly falls to the darkside with you. MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!The planets you go to are for the most part new. You'll to Dantoonie and see the destroyed Jedi Academy. You'll also see the remains of the Sith Academy on Korriban. For all you Carth lovers, out there, you get to visit Telos, which was talking about in the first game. Ok, enough about what's new lets talk story.

It picks back up 5 years after the end of the first one. You start out as a mystery to yourself (as the player). You quickly learn that you are an exiled Jedi, and that you were exiled for your part in the Mandolarians Wars and had lost your connection to the Force. You find yourself on an abandoned space station in the medical bay. How you can to be here and what happen to the station is the first mission you get. The first crewmate you meet is an old Jedi woman named Kreia. She was lying in the morgue when you find her. She is often one of the more interesting crewmate to talk to. She holds many secrets.A little later you'll meet Atton Rand. The poor man can't seem to stay of trouble and will have you reminising about the first time you saw Han Solo. He places his own survival and well being above everything else. He is much more fun as a girl then guy, for obvious reasons.But that's all the detail I'm goiong to get into. If you want to know more your just going to have to play the game. I highly recommend it, especially if you played the first one.


I LOVE :D Star Wars:Knights of the Old Republic. There isn't a better opened ended RPG out there right now. The story, the characters, the action, and the villians make this an awesome game. Not only that, but you can choose to be good or evil.

You'll start off picking from three different classes, soldier best with weapons and feats , scoundrel has the most skills, or scout which is balanced between the two. The background story is that there was a war between the Republic and the Mandolarians, and the Republic was losing. Two Jedi, Revan and Malak, gathered all the Jedi that would follow them and went to war against the will of the Jedi consul. Revan and Malak won the war and then disappeared. A year later Revan and Malak returned at the head of the Sith fleet. For three years Revan and Malak had the Republic fighting for it's survival. The Jedi made a desperate attack against Revan, using Bastila, a jedi with a rare gift called Battle Meditation, they boarded Revan's ship. Malak saw his oppurtunity and fired on Revan's ship, hoping to kill Revan and the Jedi on board. With Revan gone, Malak is destroying all that resists. Malak is now hunting Bastila for her gift, and it's character's job to protect her. Eventaully, you'll get to go to a Jedi Acedemy and learn the ways of the force.

So, if you have played Jade Empire and not this I suggest you get it. Even if you're not into to Star War this has nothing to do with the movies so it's still enjoyable.